EV SSL is an Extended Validation Certificate, the highest class of SSL available today and gives more credibility and trust to your website compared to using an organization or domain validated SSL Certificate.
Extended Validation SSL will in most cases display your company or site name in green. This prominent visual verification provides visitors added confidence that steps were taken to confirm the identity of the website and business they're visiting, increasing user trust in your website and its credibility – this is why most large companies and organizations choose EV certificates.
Certificate details indicate your website is using an Extended Validation SSL Certificate and include the issuing CA, validity status, and expiration date.
Steigern Sie das Vertrauen in Ihre Website durch eine vollständige Identitätsprüfung.
Unsere SSL-Zertifikate sind mit einem Vertrauenssiegel versehen, das nachweislich das Vertrauen der Besucher und die Kundenkonversionen erhöht.
EV-Zertifikate werden mit einer Garantie in Höhe von 1,5 Mio. US-Dollar geliefert, die Datenschutzverletzungen aufgrund eines Zertifikatsfehlers abdeckt.